Eldred Refining Company
The drilling for oil in the Eldred area took place in the late 1870s, but never saw the success of the oil fields in Duke Centre and Rixford. With Eldred being a major tranportation hub for the north/south railroads, the refining and transportation of crude oil would be the major business. The Pennsylvania Oil Products Company began construction of a refinery on the southern edge of the borough in 1912.
The Eldred Refining Company "ELRECO" operated over 200 miles of its own pipelines. These pipelines were connected to over 2,000 oil wells producing the famous Bradford Amber Crude. The refinery would operate until the great flood of 1942. The Eldred refinery would cease operations due to the flood damages and obsolete equipment.
The area of the refinery is currently occupied by the American Legion Post 887, Taylor & Armstrong and the car wash. The Betty Blue gas station, which sold gasoline directly from the refinery, became the Betty Blue bar for many years. It is currently operating under the name 'Ole Blue.

1924: "The Elreco trade name was changed to Eldred. Two years prior, one of the large competitors brought suit against the company through the Patent Office to prevent using the word ELRECO, claiming that the public was being misled. Their contention is that any syllable ending in RECO with a prefix is an infringement on their copyright. The Patent Office has finally rendered a decision, upholding their contention, which means that not only ourselves, but seven other oil companies will have to discontinue the use of their brands and adopt new marks.
We are sure that all of our friends will agree with us that an injustice has been rendered, and there is no more semblance between the names than there is between a Maultail and Polecat. We are going to accept the injustice with a smile, and have therefore decided to adopt the word ELDRED, which we believe will dovetail in very nicely after we have all become accustomed to the change. ELDRED OILS will be identical in every particular to Elreco, the only change being the name, which is going to fit in with the National advertising campaign of 100% Pennsylvania Oils now being carried in all the leading publications, which cannot help but create a tremendous demand for ELDRED products, made from the Bradford Amber Crude which sells for 50 cents a barrel more than any other Pennsylvania Crude or any other crude oil produced in the world."

Below: Early construction of the refinery in 1912.




Gas Globes
1924 - 1942

Eldred NEVRNOX 1920’s
Normal configuration is a one piece etched globe

Eldred NEVRNOX 1920’s

Normal configuration is a 15 inch metal body globe

Eldred BETTY BLUE 1930’s
Normal configuration is a gill body globe

Eldred HIGH TEST SUPER 1920’s
Normal configuration is a one piece etched body globe

Eldred STRAIGHT RUN 1920’s
Normal configuration is a 15 inch metal body globe

Eldred HIGH TEST SUPER 1920’s
Normal configuration is a one piece etched body globe

Eldred ETHYL 1930’s
Normal configuration is a 15 inch metal body globe

Eldred BETTY BLUE 1930’s
Normal configuration is a 13.5 inch lenses, glass body globe

Eldred ETHYL 1920’s
Normal configuration is a 15 inch glass body globe