This is
Kendall War Story!
It is not the story of Kendall men
on the battlefields - yet certainly they will read it with pride.
It is not the story of the Kendall distributor and dealer organization
or their contributions to maintaining essential transportation
on the homefront. However, to these men it will afford good
reading and supply the reasons for the shortages and sacrificies
they have had to undergo.
It is the story of Kendall products
and the contribution they are making toward victory!
We submit it as tangible proof of
the accomplishments of Kendall men and women in answering war's
call for a tremendous volume and range of high quality, highly
specialized petroleum products.
What has a 5-Spot to do
with winning the war?
Petroleum was a winning weapon in World
War I when we "floated to victory on a sea of oil."
Today it is many times more important. Not only must we float,
we must fly! Even ground warfare has become a matter of mechanized
might. Petroleum production had to increase. Every well had to
be worked to the utmost.
Here's where the 5-Spot comes in. Kendall
and other progressive Pennsylvania producers utilize a means of
secondary recovery know as the 5-Spot Method. Each oil producing
well becomes the center of a square. At each corner of the square
a water intake we is drilled. Water forced down these wells into
the oil sand drives the oil ahead of it into the producing well.
From here it is pumped to tankage.
Thus has Kendall helped meet a crying
need for higher quality petroleum products through a very substantial
increase in the production of Bradford, Pennsylvania crude-top
quality crude of them all!
Partial view of Kendall Codimer and Coke
producing unit.
The superiority of our Air Forces stems
from American supplies of high octane aviation gasoline. The chemistry
of this fuel is highly complicated, requiring large amounts of a
hydrocarbon called iso-octane. Kendall supplies substantial quantities
of iso-octanes for the production of aviation fuels in the form
of a product called Codimer. To produce it meant the installation
of special equipment at our cracking plant normally producing Polly
Power Gasoline, the modification of present equipment, the alteration
of our charging stock and many sacrifices in the production of our
normal products. All have been made gladly as another Kendall contribution
to America's war effort!
Also vital to the war effort is the manufacture of electrodes used
in the reduction and production of aluminum and alloy steels. These
electrodes are largely composed of petroleum coke-basis of the entire
electro-chemical and electro-metallurgical industries. The coke
must be low in ash. The ash content of Kendall coke is one of the
lowest in the world. Kendall coke owes its superiority to the crude
from which it is made. Like all Kendall products, it is refined
from Bradford, Pennsylvania crude oil, the choicest in the world.
Producing a coke freer from impurities than any other in this country,
Kendall again serves the war effort with a better product giving
better results. |
... of the finest quality ... by the millions of gallons!
Born in aviation's barnstorming 20's,
the quality of Kendall Aviation Oil won quick recognition. During
the following decade of National Air Races, over 85% of the winners
each year used this great lubricant. Constantly improved by thousands
of hours of field and laboratory tests, it helped make possible
the miracle of our present air superiority. Long before Pearl Harbor,
Kendall was shipping Aviation Oil to our Armed Forces. One of our
most famous aircraft engine manufacturers has, for 10 years, used
Kendall Oil exclusively in the development of an engine that is
in the news now. Today, we willingly sacrifice other products and
uses to the call for more and still more of this great oil which
has become, in point of volume, Kendall's greatest contribution
toward helping to win the war. |
Chevrolet, Ford, General Motors and Caterpillar
diesels - oil test engines in Kendall's laboratory
OIL ... first to go "on duty" from the Pennsylvania
Hard on the heels of war came new government
specifications on Heavy Duty Oil for all mechanized field service.
In "Fleetlube," product of years of research and millions
of miles of tests, Kendall had the quality, was the first Pennsylvania
refiner to meet the new specifications. Next problem was quantity.
Every Kendall man and woman went to work on that one. Stocks were
diverted from other uses. Refining processes were changed to increase
the yield. Research was intensified to find new processes. Packaging,
handling, shipping, machinery and labor resources were concentrated
to answer the call of the armed services. Complete research data
on Kendall "Fleetlube" were furnished other Pennsylvania
refiners that they might augment the supply with their facilities.
The Kendall organization is justly proud that, when the Army announced
its specifications for Heavy Duty Oil, "Fleetlube" was
ready and went quickly off to war. |
"Give us one Gear Lubricant that
will do the work of three!" A tall order from the War Department.
An order for a gear lube that would be equally effective for service
in any climate from the tropics to the arctics. Kendall produced
it in Three Star Gear Lube - the only product ever to meet this
It took new equipment, new methods, endless research and no little
"know-how" but Kendall engineers did it! It was developed
by Kendall chemists. It's called Kendall Rust Preventive 5. It's
new and revolutionary in the protection if affords against rust,
salt spray, salt water emersion, acids, fumes, rain, snow and
the destructive rays of the tropical sun.
All over America, Ordinance and Engineering Depots and manufacturers
of ferrous metals of war process their products for overseas shipment
with Kendall Rust Preventives.
Every G.I. Joe carries an emergency first
aid sterilized wound pad with an envelope of sulpha powder. It's
wrapped in an air-tight, moisture-proof, bacteria-excluding cover
of paper and foil, held together by a laminating compound made by
Kendall. A new, useful development of Pennsylvania petroleum - this
Kendall laminating compound helps wrap burn compounds, dressings,
dehydrated foods, chocolate, plaster of Paris, ammunition, bibles,
batteries and countless other items contributing to the sustenance
and safe return of our enlisted men. |
. . . . .
In addition to aviation oil, Kendall
produces the only compound found satisfactory for sealing vacuum
molds in which magnesium aircraft castings are made.
Kendall specialty products fly the
skies as essential components of transformer and condenser sealing
compounds . . . . adhesives for combining electrical insulation
papers to varnished cambric . . . . laminating compounds holding
together protective wrappings for ammunition and as rust preventatives
for replacement parts and assemblies.
. .
Kendall base materials are in components
utilized by the Army Signal Corps in audio radio equipment for
the protection or insulation of vital electrical parts.
Similarly, Bureau of Ships of the Navy
Department uses Kendall materials in connection with products
for communication.
Military censorship precludes the details
of Kendall contributions in this field other than the use of our
base material in incendiary bombs.
FOR THE NAVY . . . . .
Kendall is a supplier of a very vital
Naval anti-aircraft gun gear lubricant. Kendall Rust Preventives
are used on aircraft guns and our base materials are used in the
protection of Naval medical supplies. These Kendall materials
are also in various types of electrical equipment utilized on
submarines and in the installation of these daring undersea raiders.
. . . . .
It's the job of the engineers to carve
roads out of rubble and airfields out of teeming swamp-jungles.
Equipment such as bulldozers, tractors, graders, rollers and spreaders
does the work.
It's hard going and there is a frequent
need of replacement parts. Many of those parts reach these advance
bases protected by Kendall Rust Preventatives.
Artillery today means mobile firepower
- self-propelled big guns, field pieces drawn by four-by-fours
or six-by-sixes, motorized anti-tank guns - all requiring heavy
duty oils and gear lubricants. In many of them, Kendall lubricants
are used.
Kendall also supplies materials for
the preservation and packaging of tools, spare parts, accessories
and equipment vital to the continued operation in the field of
these heavy units.
Tank manufacturers use Kendall products
in the preparation of metal material for shipment abroad. For
the gruelling work of tank operations in the field, Kendall refines
heavy duty engine oils and gear lubricants.
. .
Kendall materials are used as laminants
in protective wrappings for drugs, bandages, emergency rations
and a host of medical items.
They bind together leaf metal and paper
to exclude moisture and germs. Burial bottles, each containing
the identification tag, are sealed with a compound of which Kendall
material is a part and interred with the soldier's body.